the Rift


Murdock Posts: 198
Outcast atk: 9 | def: 10.5 | dam: 2.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.2hh :: 8 HP: 61.5 | Buff: ENDURE

Murdock’s hooves dug into the soft snow as he forced all his weight into the makeshift net, grunting against the mass of their load. His partner, Phaedra, pulled alongside him, dragging the unconscious body of Tio through the knee deep powder toward where the rest of the herd was gathered. The executioner and the spy had been sent to the Deep Forest to locate and capture the Grey’s long time enemy, who now lay on the entanglement of vines and branches after being knocked out cold by his own vengeful son.

He curved his neck against the mass of their prisoner as he continued to pull, his dark coat glistening with sweat from the journey. The Foothills was not far from the forest, but the distance felt twenty times longer when pulling a weight such as they were. Several times Murdock had begged for a break to catch his breath, after having attempted to shoulder most of the weight in a gentlemanly gesture. However, the cold air of Frostfall still burned his lungs and frosted his breath, and stopping for any great length of time gave them no advantages.

Finally, the dark mass of the herd had appeared before them in a sheltered vale behind the mountain, and Murdock had eagerly quickened his pace as they neared their leaders. Finally, they were able to drop the ropes and settle alongside the captive, relieved of their transport duties and free to take a rest. The executioner smiled broadly at both his leaders, lightly fanning his sides with his wings as attention was turned toward them. He was pleased to have successfully carried out a task for his herd, and after a job well done he was all too eager to return to the cliffs for the night.

Murdock directed his attention toward the sisters at the head of the group, listening intently as Ophelia spoke to them about the contract with the Basin and the need to defend their borders. He watched as other members of the herd entered, both those he was familiar with and those he did not yet know. Both chieftesses had foals at their sides, and Murdock smiled as the young filly with Ktulu introduced herself to the herd. He was not so brave as a child, despite being the son of a leader, but he admired her confidence as it was always something he had longed to have. Despite the cold of the season, Frostfall had turned the Foothills into a beautiful gallery of ice and silver trees, and it reminded him of the home he left behind.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

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RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Hana - 06-09-2013, 01:20 AM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Casimir - 06-09-2013, 06:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Atka - 06-11-2013, 02:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Janus - 06-11-2013, 09:12 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Murdock - 06-16-2013, 12:19 AM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Donai - 06-16-2013, 06:20 AM

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