the Rift

The journey itself is my home

Nato Posts: 84
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 17 :: 13 Buff: NOVICE
The threshold was starting to become more and more like home. More often than not, frequent visits to the border of the earth had kept him wanting more, searching for something perhaps. If it was family, love, hope or just the desire to help others no one would really know, not even the stallion himself understood why his travels always pointed here. But alas like a bad habit or even boredom he is drifting through the naked pine, content to himself not a soul to bother in the naked barren thicket.

It was time to go home, to return regardless of the demons that could haunt its warm depths. He craved to feel the soft lush grass beneath his hooves once again. The hard stone floors of the cave, were not anything particularly healthy for ones daggers without a lace of iron. Even the snow upon the forest floor was a welcoming touch, numbing his strides as the bite of winter cold took hold upon his aching legs.

It was a great distance to travel, back and forth from the caves. He had already slimmed down due to the lack of food, and just the thought of it brought saliva to his lips, yearning for the taste of that sweet green goodness. It wouldn’t be long now, or so he hoped, that the bloom of spring would bring back that lush nourishment that his body craved.

Upon the breeze, the scent of forest pine and fresh melted snow mixed with another that consisted of not a demon, but a warm beating heart. Onyx lobes flick forth like a radar listening to anything that might pinpoint the potential companion. He had found so many here, and like a thief in the night stolen them away to a sanctuary. He could only hope, his next encounter wouldn’t be as strange as his last with the over-friendly white mare. It was always something new and it as an addiction.

Crimson eyes turned and rested upon a Pegasus stallion snuffing about in the snow drifts for possible food perhaps, maybe to just get his nose wet. Born into the racist world, he didn’t too much like anything other than Unicorn, but time has wound him up in its spell of change, and turned him to become something better, Wiser and Intelligent.

Stepping out from behind the pine, the dual toned stallion glanced upon the unique markings of the winged stag. Iron weapon wielding against the sky as he stepped forth, regal and proud of his heritage, using caution with distance, unsure if this would be a friendly encounter or not. ”Good ‘eve stranger, I am Nato- and you stand within the walls of Helovia." He breathed, advancing closer, his tones were deep yet held no position within them; body language was neutral and relaxed while approaching from the winged beasts right side. ”Might I know your name? And swiftly now- This land is within a time of darkness- nowhere is considered safe." he cautioned, letting the wind ruffle through his snow dusted locks, treads mingling between his hind quarters as he gazed upon the painted stallion with interest.

Tags: @[Pampero]
oOc: Sorry about my post I had a short about of time to work with and it’s not as good as I’d like it to be. Expect better after this. You write him well!. I figured I’d toss Nato in here and when we’re done you can post in the herd meeting once you are an outcast. <3

Messages In This Thread
The journey itself is my home - by Pampero - 03-04-2014, 01:00 PM
RE: The journey itself is my home - by Nato - 03-06-2014, 09:21 AM
RE: The journey itself is my home - by Pampero - 03-06-2014, 02:37 PM
RE: The journey itself is my home - by Nato - 03-07-2014, 06:15 PM
RE: The journey itself is my home - by Pampero - 03-08-2014, 04:16 PM
RE: The journey itself is my home - by Nato - 03-10-2014, 09:31 PM

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