the Rift



Species: Equine Gender: Mare Age: four years Height: 14.3hh
The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud --- the obstacles of life and its suffering


ale white with cinnamon leopard style appaloosa spots speckled over her body. her hooves and hindquarters are a more vibrant shade of white, sparsely spotted, along with the length of her limbs leaving her hooves completely pallid. a charcoal muzzle as black as the skin beneath her mottled pallor. she has a lengthy, puckered scar (1' wide) that spreads from her right hip across her flank to end a few inches shy of her shoulder. along her knees and shins are smaller, less noticeable against her soft coloring, pink scars though not deep enough to bring out the black of her skin. beneath long, thick ashen lashes come stark vermilion eyes that fade from the vibrancy of the vivid red to a softer mahogany tint. her mane is long and flowing, pure white as her tail, trailing along the ground even in her youth. nayati will never have much muscle for she is a creature meant for speed and evasion. small in stature albeit appearing taller due to the lean silhouette of her stature. deep red flower marking on lower throat (as pictured).

Has a deep crimson flower marking on her lower throat.

The lilac branches are bowed under the weight of the flowers:
blooming is hard, and the most important thing is - to bloom.


she is intoxicating, electric, full of life. the forest nymph breathes the world around her in as if it is not promised when her eyes close. everything she does is full of flair, of the wow factor, because she cannot contain the energy that seems to burst from her in multitudes at times. the air goes still in the essence of her ; the world seems to be watching her at all times. nothing she does is half-of-heart. warmth englufs her and she is the core of the sun, her heart on her sleeve, and the glorious twinkle in her sanguine eyes. always dancing, those eyes.

nayati is as sweet as she is gentle but she has grown teeth. she does not like people taking advantage of her and, when she realizes theye have, her blossoming spark of temper arises. it is a calm one. one that makes her words sharp and loaded, with eyes bright and aflame. a simmering fury is what would properly describe such a temper for nayati is not quick to anger but that anger has a massive effect when it is riled out of it's dormancy. still, it is an easy emotion to put away for her. quick to calm and once soothed by the outcome, she is back to serene.

a sweet nymph with the soft tilt of her lips and gentle words. unbridled wamrth seeps from the gluttonous pit of her belly. pure in the gentle maiden with still soft line there was not only spring, but a radiant soul, which shone through her soft body as a flame through a lamb. having an immortally youthful spirit, unacquainted with corruption within herself, she has promised to defend herself against that kind of decay.

nayati speaks in whispered, kind, sweet words flowing from the depth of her soul - words as resonant as music and intoxicating as wine. undeniably wordly, a fervent inquisitor, she is hungry for the secrets and beauties the world has to offer. naive, though, still believing in a true happy ending - sensitive in that clear heart of hers. the first to attempt to alleviate someone's loneliness, she is much like a lotus flower blooming even in the muddiest of earth. a bright glow of light, nayati is the sun. she is pure. she is a godsend amongst the melancholy. a calming touch to the lost. even so, she is not so good that she does not have her faults. for all the warmth she spreads she is still a lost soul. detachment makes all the soft words and acts of kindness fall flat when solitude beckons. nayati fears abandonment above all and betrayal to those she allows close ; for such she does not do so truthfully.

though time has given her a backbone she is plagued by the shadows of the losses in her life and nayati fears that darkness. she fears the loneliness of being alone though she craves that independence all-the-same. she still holds fear of backlash and worries herself over most of her actions that are taken. she cannot be impulsive and she can no longer allow herself to cling to someone. no longer shying away from standing her ground like a mewling child, she is soft spoken but intuitive and quite brilliant once comfortable enough to speak her thoughts. it is safe to say nayati may never be a battle-worn fighter but her spine has gained some steel ; she will stand her ground lest she be forced to retreat or given due acknowledgement. a speculative quiet surrounds her, she tends to not speak unless spoken to at times, nayati's mind tends to drift on another dimension. she is always musing, always thoughtful. strong in her faith and committed to the adoration of them, nayati praises the gods like a well-loved child.

There is a flower that grows on Mars. It is red and harsh and fit for our soil.
It is called haemanthus. It means “blood blossom.


Her mother mated unfaithfully with another stallion, so Nayati never knew her biological father, and was hidden away under the pretense of dead at birth so that her mother's real mate wouldn't discover her. Her father was a leopard appaloosa, a thoroughbred, and her mother a flea-bitten grey arabian. Born premature and to short parents, she is very small, but surprisingly dainty instead of stocky.

She was an exotic flower amongst the snowdrifts, out of place,
a Technicolor misfit in a monochrome Christmas movie.


nayati's mother shared passions with another stallion, unfaithfully, causing nayati to be hidden away in false pretense of a stillborn birth. nayati never did get to know her biological father (or her own mother for that matter, truthfully). to hide from her mate the truth behind her transgressions, nayati's mother abandoned her outside of helovia. there were no denying that the child birthed was not his. like any child being left by their mother in a confusing place, young nayati attempted to stay with her mother during her retreat and quickly learned the error of her ways. she was kicked, bitten, and chased away by her own mother and left in a strange place hurt, crying, and helpless. wandering, she was found by a mare named svetlana the stormchaser and started her life in helovia in the windtossed foothills.

I will offer you the nectar of every flower in blossom, the honey of every fruit in harvest.
I will make the Earth a garden, the entire universe a forest.


❀ passive magic — wherever she walks flowers bloom in her path, as well as in her hair. when in one place for long periods of time, a sea of the blossoms spreads out away from the central point of where she rests. fewer in frostfall. ♡

❀ companion — common red dragon — Rathunax

30lbs — 1.7ft tall — 6ft wingspan — 5 months — shock breath
capable of advanced elemental ability and limited, childish mind speech for all of nayati's timidness, rathuanax holds none of the hesitation she does in anything. he is proud and quite vain as well as being extremely forward, not bothering to hide his feelings on things or individuals. a sense of strength and comfort to nayati he tends to warm up to those she has strong feelings towards easily even if he is still wary.


❀ has a necklace with a crafted flower pendant that rests upon her breast, given to her by argetlam
❀ wooden beads and glass leaves woven into her hair by the deep forest fairies

"She was a servant, a tool to be utilized. What her herd asked of her, she would do. Would wear herself down to bone and ligament, would crawl on fractured knees and crippled limbs to do her family right. Anything to make them love her."
-- Nayati in love tastes bitter when it's gone

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*** this class will eventually become admin controlled, so don't spend too much time styling it. We will put your character's achievements here. Ie, getting a new buff, earning a herd rank, leading a herd, SWP participation, etc.

45 threads
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x THOSE OCEAN EYES Helovia's Threshold
Nayati, Vadim
10-22-2016 by Nayati
I Will Fail You Archives
Nayati, Resplendence
05-02-2015 by Nayati
raging wars Archives
Abdullah, Nayati
03-02-2015 by Nayati
"Shipping" - Intro Thistle Meadow
Aaron, Abraham, Adelric, Aeolus, Africa, Aisling, Aithniel, Alija, Alleo, Alysanne, Amara, Ampere, Apollo, Arah, Archibald, Argen, Artorius, Arvakl, Arya, Astraea, Atlas, Auriel, Aviya, Ayelet, Bellona, Bolverik, Brigand, Brisa, Bucephalus, Cashmere, Cera, Cerin, Cheska, Ciceron, Crowley, December, Deimos, Déodat, Destrier, Destry, Dovahkiin, Einarr, Elsa, Erebos, Essetia, Evangeline, Fig, Finn, Gaucho, Hector, Hertz, Histe, Hotaru, Ink, Isara, Isopia, Jahzara, Kahlua, Kiara, Kvothe, Laedere, Lena, Macaria, Maitimo, Maren, Mauja, Megaera, Mesec, Midas, Mirage, Miykael, Morrigan, Myrrine, Naerys, Nayati, Nym, Nymeria, Nyx, Öde, Ophelia, Oxy, Panzram, Parelia, Phantom, Quilyan, Ráeru, Random Event, Rasta, Reginald, Rei, Resplendence, Rhea, Rhiannon, Rhoa, Roland, Romani, Roskuld, Rostislav, Saffron, Shadow, Shida, Sikeax, Sohalia, Spice, Syrena, Talion, Tandavi, Telesaan, Tempe, Thor, Thranduil, Torleik, Ulrik, Varath, Vincent, Vitani, Volterra, Zèklè, Zenobia
02-13-2015 by Varath
!! Fill Your Bucket Archives
Apollo, Archibald, Destrier, Macaria, Maitimo, Megaera, Mesec, Nayati, Quilyan, Resplendence, Romani
02-12-2015 by Resplendence
when we were kids sneaking bottles of wine Archives
Nayati, Vadim
02-04-2015 by Vadim
How Can One Love? Archives
December, Nayati, Vadim
02-04-2015 by Vadim
you're in control of my heart Archives
Nayati, Resplendence
01-26-2015 by Resplendence
love tastes bitter when it's gone Archives
Nayati, Vadim
01-11-2015 by Nayati
Here I am, this is me Archives
Daemyn, Nayati
01-08-2015 by Nayati
The Cinderella Squad Archives
Jahzara, Kahlua, Nayati, Resplendence
11-10-2014 by Resplendence
Our Spot on the Map {Welcoming} Archives
Daemyn, Kahlua, Nayati
10-26-2014 by Kahlua
Loyalty is ALL Archives
Daemyn, Nayati
09-03-2014 by Daemyn
devotion Archives
Nayati, Quilyan, Resplendence
08-22-2014 by Quilyan
!! If You Gave Me a Chance [Mandatory Healer Meeting] Archives
Alysanne, Ayelet, Brisa, Lakota, Miykael, Nayati, Resplendence, Ruske
07-27-2014 by Ayelet
Brokenhearted Aftermath [Mandatory Herd Meeting] Archives
Alysanne, Archibald, Ayelet, Brisa, Cheveyo, Destrier, Dragomir, Evangeline, Faeanne, Fiore, Hamaliel, Isi, Kahlua, Kaj, Ktulu, Lakota, Leeka, Luken, Miykael, Nasreen, Nayati, Parelia, Petra, Quilyan, Resplendence, Ruske
07-15-2014 by Kahlua
newly found angels Archives
Alysanne, Nayati
05-04-2014 by Alysanne
Do Whatever it is That Moves You Archives
Nayati, Voodoo
04-22-2014 by Nayati
!! Open Up Your Eyes [Nayati] Archives
Nayati, Resplendence
04-14-2014 by Resplendence
A Blessing Archives
Dusk, Nayati
03-17-2014 by Nayati
don't know the language [open] Archives
Ampere, Nayati, Vadim
03-10-2014 by Ampere
so...what now? Archives
Nayati, Vadim
03-07-2014 by Nayati
sigh no more. Archives
Locket, Nayati
02-20-2014 by Nayati
May We Stay Lost on Our Way Home :: Dragon Hatching Archives
Evangeline, Nayati
01-26-2014 by Evangeline
everywhere i go [nayati] Archives
Nayati, Vadim
01-12-2014 by Vadim
Musical Night [SS-Common] Archives
Ampere, Arah, Arlo, Ciceron, Mesec, Nayati, Random Event, Sikeax, Tingal
11-20-2013 by Random Event
Strength Lies Hidden in Crimson Lace Archives
Ktulu, Nayati
08-15-2013 by Ktulu
Mother and Daughter [Nayati, Bale] Archives
Nayati, Romani
07-24-2013 by Nayati
Squabbling Squabs [Species Specific Companion Drop] Archives
Africa, Arah, Irrydae, Nayati, Random Event, Sakura, Semira
05-30-2013 by Africa
Abandoned Emerald [Green Dragon Drop] Archives
Destrier, Nayati, Random Event, Sakura
04-25-2013 by Random Event
Confused and Alone Archives
Apollo, Balé, Ktulu, Nayati
04-13-2013 by Apollo
Butterfly Kisses, Resplendence Archives
Nayati, Resplendence
03-15-2013 by Resplendence
Flowers Crush So Easily Underfoot [Archibald, Grey? Open] Archives
03-06-2013 by Nayati
Unknown history is doomed to repeat [Foothills!] Archives
Aaron, Argetlam, Nayati, Paladin, Willow
02-19-2013 by Willow
where? [open] Archives
Argetlam, Nadira, Nayati
02-18-2013 by Nayati
Guidance [Nayati] Archives
Balé, Hale, Nayati
02-18-2013 by Balé
For the Love [Xanthos, Nayati, Open!] Archives
Aaron, Nadira, Nayati, Romani, Xanthos
02-15-2013 by Romani
I Have Lost Everything | Open! Archives
Insanity, Nayati
02-04-2013 by Insanity
We're Both Broken In Our Own Little Ways [Nayati] Archives
Nayati, Romani
01-25-2013 by Nayati
Little Red Riding Hood | Lupus, Open Archives
Lupus, Nayati, Svetlana
12-24-2012 by Nayati
I'm Home [any] Archives
Avira, Jericho, Nayati, Romani, Svetlana
12-20-2012 by Svetlana
Muddy World of Play [Any] Archives
Abdullah, Nayati, Romani
12-14-2012 by Nayati
Left Behind [Open] Archives
Nayati, Romani
12-01-2012 by Nayati
Come, Little Lamb [Nayati, Open] Archives
Nayati, Svetlana
11-20-2012 by Nayati
Lost Little Lamb [Open] Archives
Nayati, Svetlana
11-18-2012 by Nayati

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the rose shadows said that they loved the sun, but they also loved the dark, 
where their roots grew through the lightless mystery of the earth. the roses said: you do not have to choose. 


RPGfix Equi-venture