the Rift

Magic & Companion

Sabine | Common Zephyr | Roc Ability
Sabine… she is anything but gentle. She is fiery, observant, and quick to force her hand. Her love for Thor, her companion, is endless and almost frightening, but she provides a drastic alternative to his gentle, natural ways. Like any bird, Sabine adores flying and diving and stalking her prey, but she also enjoys nestling beneath Thor’s mane when he allows it. No matter where Sabine finds herself, she will always voice her opinion. If she dislikes someone or something, they will know it. On the flip-side, if she cares about someone or something, she will strive to make it apparent in all facets of her life. The zephyr lives every moment to the fullest and pushes everyone around her to do the same.
EarthxLight | Ability to heal mental afflictions in others
A burgundy pendant on a black braided chord around his neck
A bronze metal acorn charm that glows in the dark

the Gentle Heart

Hidden Account

On a Quest for the God of the Earth

Species: Pegasus Gender: Stallion Age: 11 (TallSun) Height: 17.3

Breed: Clydesdale
Gender: Male
Age: 11 (TallSun)
Race: Pegasus
Eyes: Brown, long lashes
Mane/Tail: Black, long and unruly
Body: Heavy, muscular and shaggy bay coat
Hooves: Black
Markings: Two distinct, pale scars upon each shoulder blade where wings used to rest


▌Many who know Thor would call him kind, perhaps even a little too kind. He is a peaceful stallion that longs to do right by everyone and hopes for the same in return. However, that does not mean that he would allow others to take advantage of his nature, because he is ultimately aware of his flaws. He can become angry if provoked and tends to hold grudges for past offenses. Thor likes to believe himself a valiant creature, despite the many mistakes he’s made in his past. He clings to his guilt and finds ways to redeem any prior grievances he may have caused. All around, Thor lives up to his name as Gentle Heart, no matter the ridicule he receives for his optimism.

However, the stallion is still quite multi-faceted. He will always “do the right thing” over taking the easy way out and he follows his heart. He is protective of those he loves and even more passionate about those who love him back. At times his protective nature can be a bit overwhelming, as Thor doesn’t often take “no” for an answer. The stallion will search for ways to obtain what he believes as fair and just, no matter how others view the situation; he is righteous to a fault.

As for Sabine, his companion, the great stallion will go above and beyond to keep her safe and happy. Like any good father, he adheres to her wishes and commands without complaint. The little bird has a way of ruling out anyone else when it comes to matters of the heart, and Thor’s was quickly stolen by the fiery little Roc Zephyr. Sabine also pushes the stallion to want more than what he is given, because she is so very vocal about her own desires.


Father | Mother:
Odin (Deceased) | Amora (Deceased)
Children | Mother:
Essetia | Tamira (Deceased)
Uriel | Evangeline (Unborn)
Sariel | Evangeline (Unborn)


▌In the beginning, Thor came to Helovia looking for a place to belong. Mirage the Dragonheart was the first of many to welcome him into her fold and he learned to call the World’s Edge home. However, it was only the first chapter of his story and the Gentle Heart was quick to embrace it as such. At first, the great stallion was convinced that he would be able to provide protection to his new home as a warrior, but quickly found his interests swayed by the serene nature of healing. In the short time it took for Thor to adapt to his new home in the mists, he met an abundance of new faces, many of which he would carry close to his heart forevermore.

It didn’t take the stud long to encounter love, despite the conflicts it was so often rumored to have. In fact, he overlooked many of the woman’s vital flaws in hopes of curing her of her multiple personalities. Tamira had surprised the stallion with her gentle grace and quiet nature and eventually she was able to capture his heart. However, Myriad, as the big stud later called her, was another entity entirely. She too had taken the Gentle Heart by storm, while robbing her gentler half of any true comfort. Tamira’s suffering compelled Thor to reach out for help from the Gods, which he was granted when vying for magic from the God of the Earth. The mighty ram-horned immortal took pity on the younger, naïve stallion and taught him how to heal mental inflictions like the one that plagued Tamira. However, when Thor approached his newfound love with a remedy, things only got worse.

Depression overcame Tamira after a part of her soul had been removed by Thor’s magic and she only deteriorated when she became heavy with the Gentle Heart’s first child. Thor hoped that the foal would encourage his beloved to move forward, but after the mare gave birth to a filly name Essetia, she all but disappeared from their lives. It was in that dark time that Thor’s first love was murdered in cold blood… never to be seen again. Yet, the stallion could not grieve for his loss, because he had been approached to rule the World’s Edge alongside Mirage, his closest friend and confidant. However, his anguish was inevitable and everyone around him seemed to suffer the consequences. Slowly, and with good reason, the stallion became quite the recluse. He had abandoned his duties as WeyrLeader and eventually, like Tamira, he disappeared. However, his daughter was left to pick of the pieces of her own shattered life… reminding the Edge that it was time to forget their Gentle King.

Years later the stallion returned to the only place he called home, but was surprised to find that the World’s Edge had undergone many changes. No longer was the Dragonheart Queen of the land by the sea and instead, a former crafter named Kahlua had taken her throne. Alongside her, a previous Captain named Kaj had grown from his position in order to claim what was once Thor’s. As bitter and resentful as the Gentle Heart was, he accepted his place in the Edge and resolved to forge a new path that involved finding his estranged daughter. Only time would tell what lie in store for the former King, but he promised that he would never again leave the mists of the World’s Edge.


Spar/Battle Information
Default win against Dúchanar
Loss against Thranduil
Loss against Mirage
Loss against Adrixaura
Character of the Month | April 2013

Played by
I'm Linds & I also play Atlas, Essetia, and Uriel

:: [ Magic: EarthxLight | Ability to heal mental afflictions in others ]
:: [ Restrictions | healing ability takes time to manifest over five threads, and can only be used once in battle ]
:: [ Item: Pendant | Burgandy pendant that is attached to a black, braided leather cord that goes around his neck ]
:: [ Item: metal acorn charm | a bronze metal acorn charm that glows in the dark ]
:: [ Companion: Zephyr | Mythical, common | Roc | 9 yrs 2 mos ]
:: [ Moon Amulet ] 
Battle Statistics
STR:   10 SPD:   4 AGL:   4 END:   4
OI:   0 DI:   0 MG:   0.5 CP:   0
4 7 7.5 64.5
Notable Accomplishments

*** this class will eventually become admin controlled, so don't spend too much time styling it. We will put your character's achievements here. Ie, getting a new buff, earning a herd rank, leading a herd, SWP participation, etc.

143 threads
Subject Location Participants Last Post[ Order By ]
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness [Welcoming] Archives
06-12-2015 by Thor
but if you close your eyes Archives
Evangeline, Knox, Sariel, Thor, Uriel
06-20-2015 by Knox
sing it like a hummingbird World's Edge
Alysanne, Ayelet, Elsa, Evangeline, Glasgow, Jahzara, Leeka, Mauja, Myrrine, Naerys, Nyx, Ophelia, Snö, Tembovu, Thor, Torleik
06-17-2015 by Jahzara
make.damn.sure Archives
Ciceron, Phaedraa, Thor
06-10-2015 by Thor
Through the Looking Glass [Welcoming] World's Edge
Mauja, Rohan, Thor, Torleik
06-22-2015 by Torleik
the day you made your vows Archives
Evangeline, Grimalkin, Knox, Thor
06-12-2015 by Evangeline
Feathers and Dust Archives
Ampere, Archangel, Thor
06-10-2015 by Thor
Glorious We Transcend Archives
Narcissus, Ophelia, Thor
05-23-2015 by Ophelia
Bloody Creature Poster Girl {Open} Archives
Alptraum, Thor
05-20-2015 by Thor
awake my soul; Archives
Lakota, Rohan, Sialia, Thor
05-29-2015 by Rohan
Technicolor Sunset Archives
Evangeline, Thor
05-20-2015 by Thor
Converge [Edge Leads] World's Edge
Ampere, Cathun, Elsa, Kahlua, Lena, Mauja, Nyx, Ophelia, Thor, Torleik
05-19-2015 by Torleik
my king and queen [Edge Leads Competition] Dragon's Throat
Amaris, Gaucho, Kahlua, Lena, Maren, Mauja, Thor, Verlaine
05-03-2015 by Gaucho
whats the sense in anything? Archives
Alysanne, Evangeline, Thor
05-13-2015 by Thor
Duty [New Edge Leads Competition] World's Edge
Amaris, Ampere, Arah, Artorius, Cathun, Elsa, Kahlua, Kiara, Lena, Maren, Mauja, Mirage, Nyx, Ophelia, Rostislav, Thor, Torleik, Verlaine
04-26-2015 by Mauja
[INVS] Thor vs. Bellona Battleground
04-12-2015 by Tamme
Blood Colored Sky [INVASION ATTACK OPENING] Archives
Aaron, Alleo, Alysanne, Arah, Archibald, Aviya, Ciceron, Deimos, Destrier, Hotaru, Kahlua, Kaj, Ktulu, Lakota, Murdock, Öde, Ophelia, Oxy, Resplendence, Romani, Sialia, Thor, Thranduil, Torleik
04-03-2015 by Alleo
dark side of the moon Archives
Kaj, Mirage, Resplendence, Thor
04-02-2015 by Thor
Mercy Killing or, uh, Thrilling [Welcoming] Archives
Najya, Thor
04-07-2015 by Najya
!! Dawn Rising [Joining] Archives
Casavir, Resplendence, Thor
04-18-2015 by Resplendence
A long time gone Archives
Najya, Ophelia, Thor
03-15-2015 by Thor
Twilight Anthem [Hatching] Archives
Romani, Thor
02-26-2015 by Thor
Materialize Archives
Alysanne, Destrier, Evangeline, Finn, Quilyan, Resplendence, Tempe, Thor
03-05-2015 by Quilyan
!! Lock Me Up Archives
Aithniel, Alysanne, Archibald, Artorius, Destrier, Evangeline, Fig, Isopia, Laedere, Miykael, Quilyan, Resplendence, Thor
03-05-2015 by Quilyan
To the Garden! Archives
Aaron, Alysanne, Brisa, Destrier, Evangeline, Kahlua, Miykael, Quilyan, Resplendence, Thor
02-12-2015 by Resplendence
water from the deep Archives
Adelric, Alysanne, Breccan, Erebos, Evangeline, Lena, Miykael, Naerys, Roland, Tempe, Thor
02-11-2015 by Breccan
GTFO Archives
Destrier, Romani, Thor
02-10-2015 by Thor
We must gather Archives
Archibald, Evangeline, Fig, Laedere, Macaria, Nymeria, Thor, Thranduil
02-10-2015 by Thor
"Shipping" - Intro Thistle Meadow
Aaron, Abraham, Adelric, Aeolus, Africa, Aisling, Aithniel, Alija, Alleo, Alysanne, Amara, Ampere, Apollo, Arah, Archibald, Argen, Artorius, Arvakl, Arya, Astraea, Atlas, Auriel, Aviya, Ayelet, Bellona, Bolverik, Brigand, Brisa, Bucephalus, Cashmere, Cera, Cerin, Cheska, Ciceron, Crowley, December, Deimos, Déodat, Destrier, Destry, Dovahkiin, Einarr, Elsa, Erebos, Essetia, Evangeline, Fig, Finn, Gaucho, Hector, Hertz, Histe, Hotaru, Ink, Isara, Isopia, Jahzara, Kahlua, Kiara, Kvothe, Laedere, Lena, Macaria, Maitimo, Maren, Mauja, Megaera, Mesec, Midas, Mirage, Miykael, Morrigan, Myrrine, Naerys, Nayati, Nym, Nymeria, Nyx, Öde, Ophelia, Oxy, Panzram, Parelia, Phantom, Quilyan, Ráeru, Random Event, Rasta, Reginald, Rei, Resplendence, Rhea, Rhiannon, Rhoa, Roland, Romani, Roskuld, Rostislav, Saffron, Shadow, Shida, Sikeax, Sohalia, Spice, Syrena, Talion, Tandavi, Telesaan, Tempe, Thor, Thranduil, Torleik, Ulrik, Varath, Vincent, Vitani, Volterra, Zèklè, Zenobia
02-13-2015 by Varath
Lyricism [Common SS Drop] Archives
Aeolus, Breccan, Cerin, Nymeria, Random Event, Rhoa, Roskuld, Sikeax, Syrena, Thor
02-21-2015 by Random Event
evil amongst us [Mandatory Herd Meeting] World's Edge
Aaron, Alysanne, Apollo, Archibald, Artorius, Astraea, Azaneen, Brisa, Ciceron, Daemyn, Destrier, Evangeline, Far, Fig, Jahzara, Kahlua, Kaj, Ktulu, Leeka, Mauja, Miykael, Myrrine, Nocturne, Nyx, Parelia, Quilyan, Resplendence, Romani, Thor
03-01-2015 by Kaj
Our Blood became Lies Archives
Kaj, Thor
04-25-2015 by Kaj
under the light of a thousand stars [thor] Archives
Evangeline, Thor
04-08-2015 by Evangeline
Dead in the Water Veins of the Gods
God of the Earth, Thor
01-26-2015 by Thor
Devout Archives
Africa, Rasta, Reynier, Thor
01-19-2015 by Africa
Dragon Fire [Cetan Challenge] Battleground
Thor, Thranduil
01-30-2015 by Official
Making the Rounds Archives
Alysanne, Resplendence, Thor
02-23-2015 by Resplendence
[giveaway] HIS VALIANT RETURN Caela Insula
Abraham, Adelric, Africa, Aithniel, Alysanne, Amara, Ampere, Apollo, Arah, Archibald, Arvakl, Arya, Astraea, Aurelia, Ayelet, Ayleid, Brisa, Brisé, Bucephalus, Cashmere, Cera, Cerin, Cetan, Ciceron, Confutatis, Crowley, d'Artagnan, December, Deimos, Destry, Dröm, Einarr, Elsa, Erebos, Essetia, Evangeline, Fig, Gaucho, Ghost, Glacia, Gull, Hotaru, Jahzara, Jorogumo, Kahlua, Kaj, Kipling, Ktulu, Kvothe, Lakota, Lena, Maitimo, Mauja, Megaera, Midas, Miykael, Morrigan, Nasreen, Öde, Ophelia, Oxy, Panzram, Random Event, Ranjiri, Rasta, Reginald, Rei, Resplendence, Rhea, Rhiannon, Rhoa, Roskuld, Rostislav, Ryuu, Sacre, Saffron, Satanic Silk, Sheba, Sialia, Sikeax, Solanine, Spice, Tandavi, Thor, Thranduil, Torleik, Tyradon, Vadim
12-26-2014 by Random Event
[Royal SS Drop] Beach day Archives
Aurelia, Brisa, Cetan, December, Destry, Hotaru, Hototo, Random Event, Rhoa, Roskuld, Satanic Silk, Sikeax, Thor
12-27-2014 by Random Event
Save Me, Tales of the Broken Archives
Evangeline, Thor
01-03-2015 by Evangeline
MY ACHING SOUL [Thor] Archives
Sigunn, Thor
11-30-2014 by Thor
Cobwebs [SNEAK MEETING] [CLOSED] Archives
Astraea, Cetan, Jahzara, Thor
01-03-2015 by Thor
:: MURDER IN HELOVIA :: Clue IV Frozen Arch
Aithniel, Ampere, Arvakl, d'Artagnan, Elsa, Fig, Ghost, Hotaru, Hototo, Lena, Mauja, Midas, Öde, Phaedra, Random Event, Resplendence, Spice, Thor, Torleik, Varath
12-04-2014 by Öde
Silly Little Dreams (Thor) Archives
December, Thor
11-27-2014 by December
Weight of the World [Welcoming] Archives
Cetan, Thor
11-21-2014 by Thor
Not So Long A Winter Archives
Cetan, Thor, Torleik
11-12-2014 by Cetan
The ents go marching one by one (Joining) Archives
Fig, Murdock, Thor
12-06-2014 by Murdock
Tales To The Wind Archives
Brisa, Thor
01-11-2015 by Thor
Stopping by Woods ... [DARK or WIND drop] Archives
Adelric, Ampere, Astraea, Daemyn, Elsa, Hotaru, Oxy, Panzram, Random Event, Rhea, Thor, Thranduil, Voodoo, Yuuta
11-02-2014 by Ampere
P E S K Y Archives
Abraham, Elsa, Gull, Random Event, Reginald, Sikeax, Thor, Thranduil
11-02-2014 by Random Event
Forever Changed [Welcoming] Archives
Astraea, Thor
11-09-2014 by Thor
Frozen :: Herd Meeting Archives
Aeolus, Alysanne, Archibald, Brisa, Cheveyo, Daemyn, Evangeline, Jahzara, Kahlua, Kaj, Murdock, Nasreen, Resplendence, Romani, Thor
11-01-2014 by Murdock
make up the moves as I go Archives
Astraea, Evangeline, Sikeax, Thor, Thranduil
10-19-2014 by Astraea
I Don't Dance [Welcoming] Archives
Alysanne, Rekshana, Thor
10-21-2014 by Thor
Falling Apart, Together Archives
Adelric, Naira, Random Event, Thor
11-08-2014 by Thor
land of flames [campfires] Archives
Evangeline, Kahlua, Leeka, Random Event, Thor
11-08-2014 by Thor
Come in Closer Archives
Murdock, Thor
11-18-2014 by Murdock
the silence isn't so bad Archives
Evangeline, Thor
11-28-2014 by Evangeline
Winter Roosting [Open!] Archives
Aaron, Archibald, Romani, Thor
10-20-2014 by Thor
A Place to Call Home Archives
Rekshana, Thor
10-03-2014 by Thor
Dröm, Sikeax, Thor
10-02-2014 by Thor
One Life [Open/ Kaj, Kahlua] Archives
Kahlua, Kaj, Thor
09-28-2014 by Kahlua
Unite Under Open Skies. Archives
Eris, Kri, Mirage, Seele, Thor
11-14-2013 by Eris_
An End To An End Archives
Kahlua, Lace, Thor
09-29-2013 by Lace
Black Snowflakes [Challenge, Thor] Battleground
Adrixaura, Thor
09-01-2013 by Official
Build Me Up [Thor, Crafters] Archives
Kahlua, Lace, Thor
07-31-2013 by Kahlua
Wintersun Archives
Descaro, Roland, Sia, Thor
07-08-2013 by Sia
Welcome Home [Kahlua, Mirage OR Thor] Archives
Dúchanar, Essetia, Kahlua, Thor
06-25-2013 by Essetia
Mirage, Thor
06-29-2013 by Mirage
Appeal to Reason || Protectors and Others! Archives
Destrier, Dúchanar, Kaj, Lace, Laila, Luken, Madyrn Maskan, Mirage, Paladin, Romani, Smoke, Sulwyn, Thor
06-27-2013 by Madyrn Maskan
My Own Pursuer ~ [Closed] Archives
Accalia, Dúchanar, Lev Fence, Luneia, Thor
06-06-2013 by Luneia
VOIDS" open Archives
Accalia, Gehenna, Irrydae, Thor
05-31-2013 by Irrydae
Twilight || Compulsory Herd Meeting Archives
Aaron, Amaris, Destrier, Hellena, Kaj, Kiara, Kimber, Lace, Laila, Madyrn Maskan, Marius, Merakerr, Mikali, Mirage, Paladin, Rishima, Sakura, Semira, Smoke, Solstice, Sulwyn, Takara, Thor, Vikram, Xanthos
06-06-2013 by Hellena
At home in the mists. [Thor] Archives
Hiedrun, Thor
05-06-2013 by Thor
this town Archives
Hiedrun, Thor
05-01-2013 by Hiedrun
And the walls came tumbling down [THOR] Archives
Dúchanar, Thor
06-13-2013 by Thor
Long Time Gone Archives
Query, Sakura, Solstice, Thor
05-10-2013 by Query
Safe Landing? Archives
Aaron, Kimber, Thor
05-07-2013 by Aaron
I am a leaf on the wind. Archives
Africa, Serenity, Storm, Thor
06-02-2013 by Africa
Danger Looms [ranked Edge/circe/throat] Archives
Aaron, Circe, Mirage, Ophelia, Thor
05-08-2013 by Mirage
Goodbye, Apathy Archives
Irrydae, Thor, Ulrik
05-17-2013 by Ulrik
Just A Simple Walk and Talk [Thor] Archives
Solstice, Thor
05-02-2013 by Solstice
Dragon's Beginning Archives
Amaris, Mirage, Rishima, Semira, Thor, Torasin, Vikram
04-22-2013 by Amaris
TOUCHING BASES { Thor/open Archives
Mikali, Red Baron, Thor
04-08-2013 by Thor
INFINITE ARMS [Dúchanar] Battleground
04-18-2013 by Official
questions [thor, open] Archives
Tamira, Thor
04-30-2013 by Thor
back to the start Archives
Laila, Solstice, Thor, Tor
04-11-2013 by Laila
LIGHT UP; [xanthos, mirage, open] Archives
Mikali, Sulwyn, Thor, Xanthos
05-11-2013 by Mikali
Warm Whispers [Aylin/Open] Archives
Aylin, Thor
04-30-2013 by Thor
The Keepers || Herd Meeting Archives
Aaron, Bernadette, Crven, Destrier, Dúchanar, Essetia, Gossamer, Ink, Jasiri, Kaj, Kiara, Laila, Luken, Mirage, Paladin, Rishima, Sakura, Solstice, Sulwyn, Takara, Tamira, Thor, Tor, Torasin, Xanthos
04-02-2013 by Gossamer
No Such Thing As Time [Crven/Open] Archives
Crven, Thor
04-01-2013 by Thor
A Message in a Bottle [Mirage] Archives
Mirage, Thor
03-19-2013 by Thor
Time to Heal || Edge Healers, Injured Archives
Ariadnê, Locket, Mirage, Nadira, Tharos, Thor, Torasin
03-21-2013 by Torasin
I Who Have Nothing [Desdemona, Thor, OPEN] Archives
Desdemona, Dúchanar, Thor
03-11-2013 by Thor
Looking for a heartbreak... (Open to anyone) Archives
Crven, Thor, Tonka
03-18-2013 by Crven
The Earth Says Hello {|| Thor, Hellena, OPEN ||} Archives
Hellena, Ink, Sulwyn, Thor
04-08-2013 by Hellena
Impending Storm Archives
Larka, Thor
04-06-2013 by Larka
remember me as a time of day Archives
Thor, Ursula
03-10-2013 by Thor
[QUESTING] Dancing in the Moonlight (Mirage, Open) Archives
Loki, Mirage, Thor
04-12-2013 by Mirage
Thrown into the unknown [Open] Archives
Desdemona, Dúchanar, Thor
03-02-2013 by Thor
Medusa, Thor
02-24-2013 by Thor
the voice of the wood [open] Archives
Eldrinn, Essetia, Faelon, Hellena, Solstice, Storm, Thor
03-07-2013 by Storm
Haunted Archives
Arah, Stark, Thor
03-08-2013 by Stark
broken pieces [birthing; Thor, open] Archives
Essetia, Mirage, Tamira, Thor
03-05-2013 by Essetia
Time with the Cold [Duch\Open] Archives
Dúchanar, Mirage, Thor
03-08-2013 by Thor
[COMPLETE] Our worth in Gold [Mirage/Spar] Battleground
Mirage, Thor
02-17-2013 by Official
What We See [Earth God|Tamira|Open] Veins of the Gods
God of the Earth, Jasiri, Mirage, Tamira, Thor
03-21-2013 by God of the Earth
Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. [Thor, Hector] Archives
Dúchanar, Hector, Thor
02-14-2013 by Thor
We'll Dance With Open Hearts [Sulwyn/Open] Archives
Hellena, Sulwyn, Thor
02-15-2013 by Thor
:: Quest Drop #1 :: Earth God Archives
Adele, Aryel, Catillatio, God of the Earth, Larkspur, Midas, Mirage, Quilyan, Random Event, Sierra, Thor, Vincent, Xanthos, Xylia
01-29-2013 by God of the Earth
[open] Beating like a Hammer Archives
Donovan, Ophelia, Romani, Thor
03-11-2013 by Ophelia
Too Sunny for Shade! [Joining/Open] Archives
Bernadette, Hellena, Thor
02-20-2013 by Thor
When Hearts Die [Loki] Archives
Loki, Thor
02-15-2013 by Thor
Beginnings and Ends {|| Closed ||} Archives
Sulwyn, Thor
01-23-2013 by Sulwyn
A Healers Gathering; Nurses | Open Archives
Gossamer, Kiara, Mirage, Thor, Tor, Torasin
02-12-2013 by Mirage
NOAH'S LAMB { open Archives
Red Baron, Thor, Vermillion
01-24-2013 by Red Baron
Random Event, Thor
01-12-2013 by Random Event
Butt Stallion Says "Hello"![Open] Archives
Bernadette, Thor
01-18-2013 by Bernadette
No place like home [- HERD MEETING -] Archives
Destrier, Hellena, Ink, Kiara, Lace, Mirage, Rishima, Thor, Torasin, Vikram, Yseulte
01-16-2013 by Kiara
Nothing Gold Can Stay(open) Archives
Keelin, Romani, Thor
01-03-2013 by Thor
THE ACADEMY [Visionary Ranks] Archives
Chernobyl, Myrddin, Thor, Zikar-Sin
01-26-2013 by Thor
The Trickster's Way (Thor, Lakota, Sandman, Open) Archives
Hellena, Lakota, Loki, Sandman, Thor
01-06-2013 by Loki
The Wishing Well [Destrier] Archives
Destrier, Thor
01-09-2013 by Thor
The Burning Grounds [Psyche] Archives
Chernobyl, Psyche, Thor
01-28-2013 by Thor
i had a rosepetal bed i had the sun on my skin (open) Archives
Nasicaä, Thor, Tingal
12-18-2012 by Thor
The Mouse [World's Edge?-Open] Archives
Naurista, Thor
12-17-2012 by Thor
.r u n. [Thor] - CLOSED Archives
Tamira, Thor
01-08-2013 by Thor
Freeing the prisoners (open) Archives
Aaron, Crowley, d'Artagnan, Deimos, Faelene, Kiara, Lace, Leander, Solstice, Stellaluna, Svetlana, Thor
12-27-2012 by Lace
We will be young forever [Gryffindor,Open] Archives
Gryffindor, Hellena, Ink, Thor, Tribute
12-24-2012 by Ink
There Are Shadows [Open] Archives
Ailith, Mandrake, Osiris, Thor
12-28-2012 by Thor
Around the campfire [Herd Meeting] Archives
Aaron, Ink, Kamien, Lace, Solstice, Tallow, Thor, Torasin, Yseulte
12-03-2012 by Lace
Figures in the Mist [ Adura, Thor ] Archives
Adura, Mirage, Thor
11-15-2012 by Thor
- - A New Start [open] Archives
Evers, Insanity, Irrydae, Leander, Lynx, Thor
12-07-2012 by Thor
she walks in beauty, open. Archives
Leander, Lynx, Reverie, Shatter, Thor, Yseulte
11-26-2012 by Leander
Proud Of You [Any God] Archives
Random Event, Thor
11-07-2012 by Random Event
Dare That I Trespass | OPEN Archives
Avira, Thor
11-18-2012 by Thor
Like causes without rebels [Insanity, open] Archives
Insanity, Ricochet, Thor
11-08-2012 by Thor
Instability [Tamira] Archives
Tamira, Thor
11-24-2012 by Thor
Broken Elegence [Joining/Thor] Archives
Adura, Ailith, Mirage, Thor
11-12-2012 by Mirage
The Art Of War [OPEN, TORASIN] Archives
Thor, Torasin
11-21-2012 by Torasin
To Your Grave I Spoke [Open] Archives
Adura, Thor
10-17-2012 by Thor
Denying Time [Open] Archives
Aaron, Insanity, Thor
10-15-2012 by Insanity
Loss Of Inhibition Archives
Mirage, Thor
10-14-2012 by Mirage

Thor's Forum Info
Joined: 09-25-2012
Last Visit: 03-13-2017, 11:13 PM
Total Posts: 379 (0.09 posts per day | 0.3 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 51 (0.01 threads per day | 0.29 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 10 Hours, 10 Minutes, 6 Seconds
Additional Info for Linds
OOC Name: Linds
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Date of Birth: 09-28-1992 (31 years old)

Thor's Signature

Lines by Tamme! Paddeh Coloring


RPGfix Equi-venture